So, had a little bit of a shopping trip to Manchester last monday, my first stop was the makeup hall in Selfridges. Heaven! I was COVERED in makeup by the end haha. I needed to buy some boring old concealer from MAC first of all, and then I was drawn to NARS' eyeshadows. I haven't bought anything from NARS before due to the price and me being stingy, but they're so beautiful! I fell in love with Strada, Night Star, Baby Girl and Tropic, but couldn't really justify the price of the single eyeshadows, (though really wish I had now!) so I bought a duo, Sugarland, which had the closest colours to Strada and Night Star.

On the left is a gorgeous shimmery golden colour, so sparkly and beautiful on the eyes. On the right is a lilac shade with a golden sheen, looks amazing in the pan, and when swatching, but when using it's not very pigmented and can look washed out and loses it's golden sheen, but I'm hoping that when used over a primer it will look better. Overall I'm happy, just wish I could afford the singles I mentioned above as they are gorgeous!
I also want to mention a little shop I went to called
Hearts and Bows.
I think it's owned by Ark clothing, and it's a lovely little shop with so many items that I wanted! There were studs and chiffon, and vests and leggings and everything that I love! I bought some disco pants (which I got some stick about haha thanks Kat ;p) and a vest that was a bit of an impulse buy, and instead of a carrier bag I got this lovely tote bag which was a nice little touch. Anyway just wanted to mention it as it was such a nice shop and I'll definitely be going back there next time I'm in Manchester.